Q: Which Shipping options are available?

A: We offer Standard and Expedited shipping worldwide. 


Q: How long is the shipping time?

A: It normally takes around 6-10 working days to reach you within Standard Shipping, and around 4-6 working days within Expedited Shipping.

Shipping time does not include 1-3 days processing times required to process your order from the date your order is placed.

Snowshred ensures that your items are delivered to the shipping address provided at checkout. However, once your local postal service marks the package as delivered, we are not responsible for any loss or theft. Please make sure your delivery location is safe and secure.


Q: How much is the shipping fee?

A: Expedited Shipping is $29.99 and Standard Shipping varies from $14.99 to $24.99 according to the shipping country.


Q: Which countries can you ship to?

A: We mainly deliver to North America and Australia/New Zealand. We do not deliver to any address in a country or region in which there is a war, conflict, or instability of any kind, or to places to which it is illegal for Snowshred to deliver to (for example when there is a trade embargo).


Q: Can I change the delivery address after the order was placed?

A: Yes, please contact our customer service, but note that we can't change the delivery address after the shipping was already processed.